What happens if I play some media and it gets captured by the lecture capture system or by a student?
Although it may often be legal to use certain copyright-protected materials in lectures and seminars, it will not be legal or acceptable to record the use of these materials unless one of these conditions is applicable:
- the copyright period in the material has expired
- you own the copyright of the material
- the University owns the copyright of the material e.g. University publicity material
- you have permission from the copyright holder to use the materials in this way
This is because recording the lecture is equivalent to making another copy, and is therefore a copyright infringement. Permission will be required from the copyright holder.
If the ERA or CLA licences apply, then the third-party materials can be included in the recording provided the recording will only subsequently be accessed by the students on that course via a secure network (i.e. a password-protected VLE).
Using materials with a Creative Commons licence would avoid these issues.